Proprioceptive Deep Tendon Reflex
Is it possible to diagnose dysfunctions in the mechanoreceptor system?
As with computers, hardware problems are best addressed at the level of the hardware, but when the problem is at the level of the software, no amount of work on the hardware can fix the problem. Everyone knows that muscles move the body and the brain moves the muscles. Fewer are familiar with the simple fact that it鈥檚 the mechanoreceptor system (software) that provides the brain with the information it needs to tense and release muscles as needed for good functioning and pain-free living. Without accurate 鈥渦ncorrupted鈥 information from the mechanoreceptor system, the brain-muscle connection cannot function optimally. Breakdowns in this communication can result in chronically weak or chronically tensed muscles showing up as pain and/or difficulty with movement.